225 Computer Blog Postings during
past 8 years by David Larsen
topics - Chantilly Farm Event and Campground Venue
Our Land for sale by Owner
Tiny Homes
Amateur Radio
My Historical Microcomputer Collection
past 8 years by David Larsen
topics - Chantilly Farm Event and Campground Venue
Our Land for sale by Owner
Tiny Homes
Amateur Radio
My Historical Microcomputer Collection
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lGeocaching - Outdoor sport you can do alone.
Tiny house - Shipping Container Office and Commerce building
Amateur Radio SOTA - Frontier-women YO6EVA conquers Summits
Mitts Altair 8800 Microcomputer started a wonderful friendship
Amateur Radio - Volunteer to help Hurricane Ham Radio recovery - Dominica
Tiny house as Micro-Cottage rental
Tiny House as Bunk House rental
Tiny House village makes great corporate offices
Vintage computers - The Hunt for Apple-1 computers - 2/29/16
Apple-1 computer delivered to the Computer Museum of America 2/16/16
First day packing for move to Computer Museum of America
Re-purpose ham radio tower to Wifi Amateur Radio KK4WW N4USA
Bugbook Computer Museum is moving to the Computer Museum of America
Datapoint 2200 8 bit computer update by Jack Frassanito
Computer Museum Web sites -Where all the old computers live & play
James (Nick) Cloyes – N4CL visit's computer museum
First Microprocessor? The Central Air Data Computer in the F-14 Tomcat late 60's
Computer TK-80 single board 8080 microcomputer 1976
Computer collectors Museum - Peek at 300 items on display - Bugbook Computer Museum
Computer collecting heyday for historical microcomputers 1985 - 1999
Computer Museum Curator's Birthday -David Larsen KK4WW is 77 November 17,2015
Wayne Green founder of Byte magazine; 73 magazine, Kilobyte, Kilobaud,80 Micro & more
8008 Microprocessor and how it became Intel's first 8 bit chip
PDP-8 Minicomputer Interfacing - How to connect your PDP-8 to the outside world 1972
MITS Altair 8800 SN414 Microcomputer goes to new home
Microcomputer Computer Museum curator looks at old times
websites & blogs for computer collectors & historians
Soviet home built computer arrives at the Bugbook Computer Museum
Discrete component electronics to Integrated Circuits - 50 years of change
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory - computer memory
Computer Museum Curator is a hoarder of good Memorabilia
Martin Research Mike 2 Computer - vintage 1975
8008 &8080 - microprocessor -comments about the origin of Intel's first 8 bit micro chips
Computer Museum Visitors - love the retro game stations
Acoustic Telephone Modem for Radio Shacks first computer 1977
Computers & Amateur Radio's selling on Ebay - How to keep up with the latest offers.
Alexander Bell demonstrates wireless transmission of voice - 2 minutes of history
Amateur Radio - Morse Code - it could save your life - you won't believe this use of code.
Computer Help - President of Guyana "Dr.Cheddi Jagan" invites us to Georgetown
Alexander Graham Bell - he was making a hearing aid & instead got the telephone - 90 seconds of history.
"QSO Today" How Amateur Radio & Computers provided exciting opportuinties -KK4WW on Eric's 4Z4UG's Podcast
Computer Museum - Curator of Telephone Museum Curtis Anderson visits
Vintage Computer Univac 8008 Microcomputer - Craig Solomonson collection
Computer Museum a look inside with Assistant Student Curator
Vintage Soviet Computer from Ulyanovsk Russia 1991
Computers and Ham Radio provided invitation to Bangladesh Embassy in Beijing, China
Jon Titus - Computer Pioneer comments about 3 of his career mentors
Apple-1 computer proof documents sell $25,000 at Christie's Auction
Apple-1 computer sale $365,000 at Christie's Auction December 11,2014
American Radio & Computer History - Two million pages of AM FM & TV Broadcasting history online
N4USA Amateur Radio Station at the Computer Museum
Computer Museum Assistant Curator Emily Wilson is off to College
Apple 1 computers annual inspection & Apple 1 computer at auction.
Computer Museum Curator's Birthday -David Larsen KK4WW is 77 November 17,2015
Vintage Computers - Microcomputers on display at "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum".
Vintage - Apple 1 Computer Clone operational at the "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum"
Apple 1 Computer for sale Dec 11 - Bob Luther author of "The First Apple" interviews of people from start up days of Apple Computer
Apple 1 computer brings record price at auction of $905,000
Vintage Computer Rare SCELBI on display in "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum"
Vintage computers - "IWoz" Steve Wozniak's book by Wozniak & Smith - My comments - a good read
Vintage Computer - the first portable computer at 200 lbs - Autonetics Recomp 501 (1958)
Vintage Computer BBC Documentary "IWonder - History of Computing Timeline" using some
Vintage Computer - Super Jolt a 1975 microcomputer using the 6502 Microcomputer
PDP11/10 Vintage Minicomputer in Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum
Vintage Computers -Graduate Independent Study at "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum"
Vintage Computers - What is in a Name - How we are named the "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum"
Computer Museum - Busy day - visitors - music jam - Amateur Radio club meeting - Interviewed by reporter
Jazz & Blues Music Jam Session at Computer Museum
Vintage Apple 1 Computer display at "Bugbook Computer Museum"
David Larsen -Computer Historian -Virginia Tech - University Public Service Excellence Award - 1995
Vintage computing - Who started the Personal Computer Revolution ??
Vintage Computers - The Datapoint 2200 & "Computer Terminal Corporation" THE REST OF THE STORY!!
Vintage computers - The Hunt for Apple 1 computers
QR codes in the "Computer Museum"
Intel 8008 Microprocessor began as a "Computer Terminal Corporation 2200" - an Electronic Data Terminal
Texas Instruments TI99/4 Vintage Computer new never out of the box
Intel 8008 Microprocessor began as a "Control Terminal Corporation 2200" - an Electronic Data Terminal
Museum Visitors from Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Club K4KDJ
Vintage Computers - MARK 8 Computer - 5 different versions
Vintage Microcomputer MITS Altair 680 moves to Museum
Vintage Computer - Micro 68 a 1976 microcomputer made by "Electronic Product Associates"
Vintage Computers - Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum Warehouse a peek inside !
Vintage Computer - 8008 Intel microprocessor
Vintage Computer -Computer workshops in old Soviet Union
Vintage Computer - Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum moves to expanded showroom
Kevin Stumph - his computer museum in waterloo
Vintage Computer -MITS Altair 8800 restored by Josh Bensadon
Vintage Computer - Jade Computer Products 1982 Memory Module - and Moore's Law
Medical and School assistance in Dominica by FAIRS N4USA
Computer For Bioche, Dominica - Donation by N4USA , FAIRS
Vintage Computer RCA COSMAC VIP 1977
How to custom size photographs on your Blogger Postings.
Vintage Computers the MITS Altair 8800 at Frostfest - ( Hamfest ) in Richmond VA
How to build an audience for your YouTube videos - Three easy to use ideas - lesson #1
Computer Museum - Big visitor day with Techies from Rackspace in Blacksburg Virginia
Computer History Museum - David and Gaynell Larsen Visit Silicon Valley & Museums
Vintage Computer - Earles L McCaul - Author - A personal success story the last 32 years
Vintage Computer Volksmodem 70's 300 baud modem
Vintage Computers - The "Bugs" are 40 years old !
Vintage Computers - Where do computer collectors find them ?
Soviet Union Vintage Computers - Donating computers to the old Soviet Politboro - USSR - 1991
Vintage Computers or life as CIA Secret Agent for 50 years.
Vintage computer Zaltair brochure from 1977 West Coast Computer Faire
Vintage Zaltair Computer that never was - One of Steve Woznaik's best pranks
Vintage Computer - Minuteman 1 Missile D-17B guidance computer - David Larsen, Testing & Engineering 1960
Vintage Rare Apple 1 Computer for Sale
Remington Rand Univac - 1957 - My introduction to vintage computers 56 years ago at age 19 - David Larsen
Vintage PDP8S - Bob Rosenbloom has his new (50 year old) Digital Equipment Corporation minicomputer operational
Old computer things and Computer History makers - collection of short short stories
PDP1 Vintage Computer at the Computer History Museum - Mountain View , California
Break from Computers - A visit to the Wine Country of Napa California by David & Gaynell Larsen
Visiting Intel, Computer History Museum, Apple Co., Fry's, Weird Stuff store, Bob Rosenblooms computer collection - big day
Vintage Computer - A look at new home for the Bugbook Computer Museum's PDP8S minicomputer
Computer History - A resource for Computer Museums, Microcomputer Blogs, & Computer Historical Information
Computer Collecting is great but their is additional life at our Chantilly Farm
Microcomputer - Micro-Designer MD-1 one of the first complete educational / design Microcomputer Systems
Computer History Museum - A planned visit to California to see Computer Collectors Bob Rosenbloom & Lyle Bickley + Museum
Wayne Green 91,died September 13th - Renegade & Pioneer in Ham Radio, Computers, Travel, Health & More.
Vintage Computers - Apple 2 Computer Pirates - The Franklin Computers
PDP 8S Minicomputer discovered hidden in warehouse
Amateur Radio Friends from Dominica Visit Floyd Virginia
Computer Historian David Greelish is going to keep us laughing !!!!
PDP-8/e Replica - build your own
First Single Board Computer
Vintage Computer - Lewis Kornfield , Radio Shack president Died Friday August 16,2013 : He was President in 1977 Producing the Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1
"The First Apple" A fresh look at Apple 1 computer pioneers / collectors by Author, Bob Luther - His Book
Vintage Computer - Jack Rubin heads for Chicago with PDP8I Minicomputer for his collection
Vintage Minicomputers PDP8s & PDP8 find new home in California
Bob Rosenbloom is heading to Virginia for vintage PDP computers for his Collection
Vintage Computers - Apple Computer Historical data
Vintage Computer 1958 Transistor Logic - Autonetics Recomp
Vintage Computers - WVTF Public Radio & why we call our museum "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum"
Vintage Calculator / Computer Historical Information
Vintage Computer Museum - Student Curator's
Organs on a Chip - New chip simulates body function
PDP 8 Vintage Computer finds new home in the 'Win" Collection
Amateur Radio Operator for Six Decades KK4WW David Larsen
Apple 1 computer Sells for $387,000 at Christie's Auction July
Computer Mouse Inventor Douglas C. Engelbart Died Tuseday July 2,2013
Professor Paul E. Field - "A Celebration of his life" - my friend
Vintage Apple 1 computer - Five Owners meet including Steve Wozniak
Computer conference - THE FIRST WEST COAST COMPUTER FAIRE APRIL 15-17,1977
Vintage Intel Computer - 4 bit MCS-4 Intellec 4 Microcomputer
Vintage Computer Magazine - BYTE
Vintage Apple 1 Computer sells for over $600,000 at Breker auction 5-25-13
S100 Computers - Great web site for S100 and other Vintage Microcomputers
Books for Computer and Calculator Collectors Historians
EPROM Memory 1702A -Made microcomputers, robotics and microcontrollers pratical 1971
Microcomputer Collector "Win Heagy' Visits 'Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum' 4-19-13
Computer Pioneers and Microcomputer History Makers
History of Microcomputers - David's Lecture at New River Community College
Brainiac Computer Trainer 1959
Computer Pioneer "Adam Osborne"
Computer Intel MCB8-10 Microcomputer 1972
Vintage computer SCELBI 8B Microcomputer 1975
Vintage Micrcomputer Collector Memorabilia - Titus 8080 Microprossor Slide Rule
Vintage Sphere Computer at the "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum"
History of Microcomputers - Short introduction about early Geeks in the Microcomputer Revolution
Vintage Computer MARK 8 sent to MARCH in Wall NJ
Vintage Computer Apple 1 Microcomputer in the Bugbook Microcomputer Museum Floyd Virginia
Vintage Computer Festival Southeast
Micro-Professor Computer MPF-1B trainer shows up in Goodwill store
Computer Museum Visitor 'Dr. Dave Filer' from New River Community College
Microcomputer History Your Own copy of " Historically Brewed " by David Greelish
MARK 8 Personal Computer 1974
Antique Microcomputer Historical Museum LCF Group Floyd Virginia
Amazing Edison Vacuum Tubes
Rare Apple 1 Computer Bugbook computer Museum
Large Collection of Rare Microcomputers
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David Larsen KK4WW |
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