I do not add computers to my collection very often now however my sons wife found this one for $10 in a Goodwill store.
Wikipedia The Micro-Professor MPF-I, introduced in 1981 by Multitech (which, in 1987, changed its name to Acer), was the first branded computer product from Multitech and probably one of the world's longest selling computers. The MPF-I, specifically designed to teach the fundamentals of machine code and assembly language, is a simple and easy to use training system for the Zilog Z80 microprocessor.
The MPF-I does not look like a typical microcomputer. It is enclosed in a vacuum formed plastic book case often used to store a copy of a language textbook, two audio cassettes, and a training manual. When closed, the MPF-I can be placed on a bookshelf for easy storage and looks just like a book or a file.
The content of box is complete with teaching manuals, power supply and computer.
I can't say if this is a good trainer however some report it is not to good. I think would really depend on what you would expect from the product. It apparently sold a lot of them so some folks must like the computer. It works when powered up and seems just fine.
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Some times computers arrive from unexpected places and unknown times. This was a very pleasant surprise to get the Micro-Professor.
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"by David Larsen" , KK4WW
Historical Microcomputer Collector/Historian
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