Sunday, August 11, 2013

Vintage Computer - Jack Rubin heads for Chicago with PDP8I Minicomputer for his collection

Jack & Pat Rubin
Jack Rubin and his wife Pat visited our "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum" today to pick up a PDP8I Minicomputer for Jack's collection. He is retired now and plans to restore and make this an operational minicomputer. Jack and I had time to compare a lot of ideas about setting up a good museum display and we would both like to have our computers on display for folks to enjoy. I do have my small display in Floyd and people really like to see the computers and memorabilia however it is a very small part of our collection.   We also had time to visit our museum display in Floyd Viriginia as well as our Chantilly Farm.
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                                 PDP8I for Jack Rubin's Vintage Computer Collection


  Jack Rubin & David Larsen in                                          Pat Rubin & Gaynell Larsen
 "Bugbook Historical Microcomputer                        in front of calculator museum display
Museum" computer display

Pat next to part of old ham radio collection          Pat, Jack & Gaynell after lunch at Larsen's

Dave & Gaynell Larsen
It has been a great weekend for my wife Gaynell and I. WOW it actually started on Friday with the visit of Bob Rosenbloom from California to pick up his 3 new computers. See story here Click. Saturday 8AM - ham radio meeting with the "Floyd Amateur Radio Society" , latter in the morning meeting with client. Then in
the afternoon we traveled to Appomattox,Virginia for a High School class reunion for Gaynell. We got up early Sunday to come back to Floyd so we would be here when Jack and his wife arrived.  We timed it just right as we arrived within 10 minutes of the Rubin's arrival in Floyd.  Then a little touring of our computer museum and the local area & out to the warehouse to load up PDP8I for Jack.  We had some good conversation with Jack and Pat -They plan to come visit next May on Memorial Day and join us at our Chantilly Farm for our 4th annual Bluegrass Festival & that will be fun- then a lunch prepared by Gaynell.  A few photos and we sent Jack and Pat on the way to Chicago. I am just finishing this blog and the  video of the visit at 6PM. Its been great and now I am ready to sit down and relax.
"by David Larsen" KK4WW Computer Collector Historian 


  1. Mini computer Wow nice post. And thanks for share this with us. it managed services dallas

    1. Hi David - Thank you for the nice comment. I have been organizing my computer collection so have sent out several PDP computers. Also my wife and I are planning a trip to Bay Area next month and will visit the Computer History Museum in Santa Clara for the second time. Also will visit Lyle Bickley and Bob Rosenbloom - both have recently received PDP8S computers from our Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum

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